Sunday, April 18, 2010

One of those little things that make you go SQUEE!

Hi folks!  I just wanted to share something really nice that happened to me recently.  A handful of days ago I received a personal message on Ravelry, which is my online knitting and crochet community, from someone I hadn't met before.  She introduced herself as Mary from the America's Knitting website and said she had been looking around at projects on the site and saw my Bountiful Bohus Cardigan.  She then asked me if I would be willing to share it on her website's project page and gave me the site address to check her site out. 

Me?  Share a project?   
I have never had anyone ask me to do that before... 
So of course, I said yes! 

Mary said she would let me know when it was posted on the site and low and behold, today I got the message that it was all set.  I was sooo excited to see a picture of my baby up on a website other than my own.  Mary wrote up a nice little summary of the project and said very nice things about it.  You know, it makes you feel really good when a complete stranger compliments your work.... because they don't have to. It's an especially nice to hear when it is a project you really work hard on and struggled through, which I did. 

That leads me to a bit of advice I would like to share with anyone who is even remotely interested in trying out something creative and new like spinning, paper crafting, photography or crochet.  Be fearless.  Don't worry about failing, just try whatever it is you want to do.  Whether you succeed or fail, you most likely have learned a valuable lesson and you will only get better with practice.  Being fearless is what got me through making this cardigan and honestly I really learned a whole lot in the process.

You can see the nice writeup that Mary did by going to the project page by clicking here.  There are lots of other great projects on the site as well as a listing of all LYSs (local yarn stores) in the country and spotlights on designers, stores and yarn companies, so check the site out.  Thanks very much Mary for taking time out to notice my project; It really means a lot! 


erinlesko said...

like :)

Bahston Beans said...

So, it's past the appropriate season but I need to see your sweater in person!

jjphotoFTW said...

Sure thing Kelly! I'll try to remember to bring it with me when we get together for the next family birthday shindig. Actually, depending on the day, it isn't too warm to wear it yet.

gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

Congratulations, and I like your advice, to be fearless.

jjphotoFTW said...

Awww, thanks Gale!