Sunday, January 11, 2009

Winter wanderings

So, it's been a pretty quiet weekend for us, mostly playing wow and relaxing when we were home. I did get to go out a take a little walk today with my camera and found some neat icicles on the main office building. I still can't seem to take good winter pictures and I don't know why. Maybe I just need to wander somewhere other than the complex for inspiration...


erinlesko said...

i imagine winter is tough as everything is pretty monochromatic. i like photos with lots of contrast and vibrant colors as well as texture. maybe you should use B&W, or get an Ansel Adams book. :)

jjphotoFTW said...

You, I think your idea to do b&w winter shots is a great one. I'll so try that and maybe I'll be more pleased with my results :)