Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen... I am READY for Christmas!

All cookies have been baked, all knitting projects finished, all presents wrapped, now time to relax and enjoy Christmas.  Here are some pictures to help put you in the Christmas spirit.

Our tree, finally with some presents under it.

Pretty pretty bows and paper.

A fine example of the cat humoring me.  I'm amazed I made it out of that one with my skin intact.
I am Meowcutus of Borg.  You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile. 


jenn shurkus said...

love the kitty pic ;).. of course!

Hip Hop Swagga said...

Your tree was beautiful, sure did beat my charlie brown tree. Lol really nice though. Hope you had a warm loving holiday