Friday, November 20, 2009

New Blog Design Completed

So, apparently the first time is the charm on blog redesigns for me.  Other then following a few suggestions from followers (thank you all some much for your input!) and making appropriate changes to the blog, I've decided to stick with the grapevine theme.  I had looked at a few different background as inspiration for the design and thought about trying them out, but this one really spoke to me, so I went for it.  Once I had chosen the background, I perused my abundance of photos, found a good candidate and started playing around in Photoshop.

The image I picked was a great shot I took at Ferjulian's, a local seasonal market in my town, (see above).  The owner is very nice and on several occasions has just let me wander around with my eye glued to my camera.  

Last night, when I layered the text of the blog title over over the image, it all fell into place.  The font, the colors, everything!  I just love it when a plan comes together.  So all I had to do after that was add all my widgets back.  It's too bad that they all disappear when you change templates.  Oh well, it could be worse, there is only one I can't figure out, my current Ravelry projects, but I'll fix that soon enough.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the change as much as I do.  Please feel free to make comments or suggestions.  As I said, I'm open to change ;-)


jenn shurkus said...

love the new look!!!

erinlesko said...

Looks great! Love the A Team ref. :)