Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm Alive! I swear....

I've just had lots going on lately, so there hasn't been much time to post or take any pictures. Buuuuut, I am working on some new projects as you can see in my current projects list on the side of the blog. So, I should have some finished object posts soon for you.

Also, I've got some neat things I'm doing in the next couple of weeks that will be really great subjects for photography. One of them is a Photography for Knitters workshop I'm going to with my friend Tara this weekend. The workshop is being put on by Gale Zucker who is a professional photographer and produces a blog called She Shoots Sheep Shots. I'm very excited about the workshop because I have a hard time taking nice final pictures of my completed projects before I send them off to whomever they are for. So, lots on neat images should come from that especially since she asked us to bring our own finished projects or works in progress to shoot!

Then, next weekend I have Annual Apple Day with a bunch of my friends. This is always a great time to break out the camera and enjoy the fall together. We gather at a local orchard, pick a bunch of apples, then head to one of our places to make pies, make applesauce and make dinner. We basically spend the whole day together and it is one of those traditions that I think is really hard to beat. I'm guessing we've been having Apple Day for at least 5 years now, although it could be more (feel free to chime in guys).

Then on Sunday I'm going to an A*Muse Addicts get together at Ink About It, the stamping store my mom and I frequent for classes and supplies. A*Muse is an awesome company that makes the cutest stamps eva! Check their stuff out at their website. So, a group of about 20 of us are getting together and each bringing a shoebox project with enough supplies for everyone to make the project. So, when I'm all done, I'll have 20 little projects to photograph. Neat huh?

So anyway, more to come and thanks for being patient through my lack of posting.


The Honorable Rev. Dr. McTeacher, Esquire said...

Wow-what an ego! "Sorry peons for forsaking thee, but I had to attend to the sacred mystical art of knitting..." Although I have to admit that the silver caul is supercool!

jjphotoFTW said...

I would have you know that Dr. McPointySticks is saddened that her dear friend the Rev. Dr. McTeacher, Esquire finds her stress-reducing hobbies so onerous. Perhaps she should stick to reading Shape to stay fit instead?

Hot for Teacher said...

Touche! Oh, bad, bad news...Patrick Swayze just died! I don't think I can watch "Dirty Dancing" for a long time...

jjphotoFTW said...

Oh, that's so sad.... by the way. I'm amused we are conducting a conversation via email via my blog. Kind of bizarre don't you think, with the whole internet watching and all? They might find out all our secrets!