Today at work, we had a pretty serious thunderstorm as well as a lovely power outage to deal with. Lately we have been having quite a few storms in the area. Come to think of it, I don't remember a stormier summer than this one.... but I digress. After the power came back on a co-worker and I had to go out and do a deposit. So, I walked outside to 1.5 feet of water in the street. Now, this wasn't really a problem for us, since we didn't have to go that way, but apparently this was no first-time occurance. I guess it has happened so often that one of the men from the dump across the street rides a contruction vehicle out into the temporary lagoon wielding only a broom handle to unclog the street drain now blocked with garbage. I couldn't resist snapping a picture of this guy.... he was very funny and even asked if his picture would be in the paper. I informed him that sadly I was not that important, but he would be on my blog! :-)
I took this picture when in The Skellig for Pat's goodbye party. I've been to The Skellig a few times for farewell parties for co-workers. It's a nice old looking bar that has well worn booths and benches we pull together around the tables. It was a nice day as I recall so they had the windows open to let in the breeze. after taking a few pictures of Pat and others who were there, I decided to snap a few of the bar itself, which it turns out was a pretty good idea. I like the subtlety of the light throught the window. The bar itself is very dim and did not offer much for extra lighting, so I just lucked into this shot.
Ok, I was bored and stuck in traffic despite all the schools being out for summer. Ane I just happened to have my camera handy at a red light.... so sue me. I actually actively decided to bring my camera home from work today so I could take some pictures since I've been so bad about keeping up the blog. So, did you notice? I changed the name because a photo a day was just not happening and I didn't want to make it something I HAD to do. In want this blog to be fun and creative both visually and verbally. So, in an effort to reduce filler posts and stress over fulfilling the "photo a day" goal, this blog will now be more casually maintained. I will try to post at least once a week or more, but I don't want to make this like work because then the bblog is sure to stagnate. Anyway, I've done a flurry of posting today. Hopefully there will be some more neat thunderstorms for me to photograph tomorrow.
1) The centering is a touch off... please see picture to left.2) The camera itself costs $20.3) CVS forces you to buy at least one set of prints when all you want it to get a picture cd.4) Cost of one set of prints (21 pictures) = $9.99 Huh? I thought they were $.19 a picture, which would be $3.99? Oh, I see... it includes a free picture cd for that price. How thoughtful.....5) Most of the pictures ended up coming out blurry or grainy despite looking ok on the view screen.6) Oh, I forgot to mention the piece de resistance. They left one perfectly good picture out of the set of prints (that I didn't want) for no reason. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. And, oddly enough, it was the one picture I actually might have given to someone.Damn you CVS!!!
Ok, so I brought this on myself.... I volunteered to make some cookies to sell at my chorale concert tomorrow night. So, instead of acting like a normal person and making them last night when I had nothing to do, instead I said heck with it... I'll do it tomorrow. Ok, so, tonight I have: 1) a rehearsal from 7-9pm 2) to do laundry so I have clothes to wear to the concert 3) AND make these cookies!How stupid am I?
So, I woke up Saturday morning to this really bizarre noise. I didn't think too much of it at the time because it was 6:30am and one shouldn't be contemplating anything at that hour on a weekend. So, I drifted back to sleep and at around 9am I ventured out to the living room of the Cape house to muster for boat prep. I remembered the odd drone I heard in the early hours of the morning.... so, apparently this June marks 17 years since the Cicadas have emerged from the ground and taken over portions of the Cape to reproduce. What I heard was the mating call and response of the male and females. Neat huh? Well, it was only for one day for me, so it would be neat. I suspect that permanent Cape residents aren't so enthused by their presence. If you want to learn a little bit more about the Cicadas around the Cape you can go to the following link.
cause the boat is in... Huzzah for sailing! Brian and I joined his parents and brother down the Cape for the boat's first touch of ocean for many months. The time had been scheduled for weeks at least and luckily everything seemed to go off without a hitch. The guys and I even got to take a nice leisurely sail from the landing to where the boat is moored. It was just enough time to make me want to sail more. Alas, once we got back and had lunch Brian and I seemed to transform into lazy peons, so we just watched tv and napped the rest of the afternoon. Overall, it was a very nice relaxing day.
My boss was kind enough to take this picture of a few of my coworkers and I during our 3rd annual Red Sox event. It was a nice night other than the fact that we lost 8 - 0. Needless to say we were not happy about that. However, I think the food, drinks, and company made up for it. We had pulled pork, fenway franks and all sorts of other yummy things. It was a fun night and marked the end of our fundraising extravaganza until the fall.
Ok, so I have been bad. With all the events at work and other things going on with friends and family I haven't really had the time to post, let alone take pictures for fun. I am going to sort of back fill a little once I get some photos off a disposible digital camera I bought when I went into Boston to meet some friends and forgot my camera. So, expect some more posts to show up before this one. I like to post the picture for the day I took it so I can remember what happened to me on those days, kind of like a bizarre journal, I happen to share with a bunch of people. Well, back to the task at hand....
Sooooo.... I will start with one I took today. It's not all that exciting, but I did finally pick up my camera to do something other than document an event for work or with friends. So, here is Molly picture number 3 million and 22.... Isn't it so nice of her to help me read my scrapbooking magazine? I mean, I just could't look at the layouts without all her help....
Silly title, yes, but fitting :-) Colette is a vegitarian, yet eats surprisingly little actual vegitation.... disturbing isn't it? While she was a carnivore like the rest of us for most of her life, in the past few years I do give her credit for becoming a vegitarian on sheer will alone. Trust me, she likes meat, ALOT! But forgoes for ethical reasons. Colette and I have been friends since 10th grade and basically any time we spent time hanging out together included both movies and food (somehow I think I god the bum end of this deal). Over the past year we have managed to spend more time together and the fact that she now doesn't eat meat can limit our style a touch since our standards are pretty much set at McDonalds when together. She's pretty flexible about things and basically has always said that any place is fine as long as she didn't have to eat a salad. So, when I was at her surprise graduation party, we happened to get served salad. I really couldn't resist... I mean, it's not like it is going to happen often... :-P